Immigration law

Immigration law is constantly evolving. The rules are very complicated and are established through national laws and regulations seen in connection with legal and administrative practice.

When you contact the UDI or UNE, you will receive advanced forms that must be filled out and it is important that everything is done correctly. Law firm Simonsen & Rana has extensive experience with immigration cases and we help you in your case.

You can get legal aid coverage from the insurance company if you have a registered address and live in a home with contents insurance when you receive a refusal from UNE.

Among other things, we can help you with:

Student visa: If you want to study or go to school in Norway for more than three months, you can apply for a study permit.
Visitor visa: If you are going to visit Norway for up to 90 days, you can apply for a visitor visa.
D-visa in family immigration cases: D-visa is an entry visa for spouses (and minor joint children).
Visiting Norway without a visa: You who do not need a visa to visit Norway can be here for up to 90 days. There are also other rules you must follow.
There are different rules for applying for Norwegian citizenship for those who have had residence permits in Norway, those who have had residence cards for family members of EU / EEA citizens, Nordic citizens and those who have previously been Norwegian citizens. We help you with both application and complaint.
Expulsion - are you in danger of having to leave Norway?
If you have received a decision on deportation and an entry ban, you can appeal the decision. You can apply for the entry ban to be lifted. Our lawyers have extensive experience with deportation cases.
You can seek protection (asylum) if you have been persecuted or fear persecution or inhuman treatment in your home country.
Renewal of asylum
Have you received a rejection of an application from the immigration authorities?
If you have had your application rejected, you can complain about this.
Family reunification - Do you want to be reunited with your family in Norway?
Depending on where you are from, you can apply for a residence permit, residence card for family members of EU / EEA citizens or use the registration scheme.
Do you want to marry a foreign citizen in Norway?
If you are going to marry a foreign citizen in Norway, you must submit documentation to the Tax Administration. We assist with both advice and completion of required documents.
Work permit / work immigration
Have you been refused a work permit or do you want to apply for a work permit?

We help you with all these legal challenges.
Contact us and we will assist you throughout the case process!